
Eyes Wide Shut

“The title is an evocative play on words
on the common phrases ‘eyes wide
open’ and ‘eyes wide shut’. It can mean
different things to different people.

It has been used as a metaphor to
represent the notion that one can be
completely oblivious and ignorant of
the obvious situation around oneself
even when apparently the eyes might
be ‘open’, the mind itself may not want
to see the self evident important
events or facts in one’s surroundings.”

- Mohan Luthra, the artist

Press Coverage In Leading English Media

“His work is derived from astute observations
and understanding of human psyche. He has
visualised his thoughts into relevant social
statements. His is a well travelled journey,
an amalgamation of the east and west, a union
of a kind of renaissance.”

- Lolita Dutta, Art Critic

“Refreshing contemporary thinking. Here is
the work of an artists who throws many a
surprises through the medium of sculptures
which are performing acts like humans yet
communicating profound social issues.”

- Sidharth, Senior artist

For more information download the following pdf’s

Eyes Wide Shut Catalogue >>
Post Exhbition Catalogue >>